Kinchitkaram Dharma Samsthapanam

  1. For all online door delivery bookings, the calendar will be delivered ONLY by courier to the address provided by the registrant in the booking order. The subsequent change of address is not acceptable.
  2. Delivery of calendars will commence after 14th April 2025.
  3. For every registrant, calendar in Tamil/English language as opted with a download link of Swamy’s Upanyasam in Tamil only will be issued.
  4. Person booking is authorizing Kinchitkaram Dharma Samsthapanam to use their address and details for their respective purposes and to send mails and other communications.
  5. Booking once made, cannot be cancelled or modified and no claims for refund will be entertained.
  6. The registrant acknowledges that the amount paid may be treated as his/her contribution and towards corpus for the noble causes of the Trust.